iMachining saves 75% in stainless steel at SolidCAM customer Shifram iMachining will bring this customer back to subscription and will provide him with its immense power and savings...

|  Aerospace

From: Evgeny Lamez []

Sent: Monday, April 22, 2013 11:13 PM

To: Emil Somekh;

Subject: iMachining saves 75% in stainless steel

Hi Emil,

Today I visited the plant "Shifram", who are a SolidCAM customer, currently not on subscription, to cut a part on their machine, with iMachining 2D.

They machine mainly aerospace parts.

Ofer, the owner, wanted to see the capabilities of iMachining on their machine.


CNC Machine: HAAS VF2

Material: PH 17-4 Stainless Steel

Tool: Iscar tool (diameter 12 mm, 5 teeth)

Maximum cutting depth: 30 mm

Regular Cutting time of part: 14 minutes

iMachining cutting time of part3.5 minutes

iMachining time Saving: 75%

At the end of the iMachining live cutting, they were excited and asked us to send a quote for iMachining + Renewal of SolidCAM subscription.

So iMachining brings this customer back to subscription and will provide him with its immense power and savings.

Best Regards,

Evgeny Lamez


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