Collaboration between SolidCAM France and Hoffman France in iMachining

..technical seminar organized by Hoffman France in their showroom...will show live cutting of iMachining on Hoffmann's Mazak machine


|  Cutting tool Manufacturers and Resellers

From: Hervé Philibien []

Sent: Monday, April 29, 2013 6:45 PM

To: Eddie Pevzner; Emil Somekh

Subject: Collaboration between SolidCAM France and Hoffman France in iMachining


Hello Emil, Hello Eddie,

Please find here some information about our collaboration with Hoffman France.

On May 31th 2013, we will participate at a technical seminar organized by Hoffman France in their showroom:

Hoffmann France SAS

1 rue Gay Lussac

F-67410 Drusenheim


During the seminar we will show live cutting of iMachining on Hoffmann's Mazak machine. The invitation is attached.

Additional information:

  • During the last exhibition of INDUSTRIE LYON in France, we had an iMachining Rollup + SolidCAM Brochure at Hoffman's booth.
  • Hoffman France provided several sets of tools for the technicians of SolidCAM France, so that we will always have appropriate tools for iMachining live cut demo.

Best Regards,

Hervé PHILIBIEN | +33 (0)6 01 78 47 90| Ingénieur d'application | SolidCAM France

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