iMachining titanium benchmark at SolidCAM customer

We cut titanium and saved the customer 54% for each part (42 min instead of 90 min).They have now to cut 200 such parts.



|  iMachining successes at Customers


Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2012 11:25:18 +0200
To: 'Emil Somekh' <link>

Subject: iMachining titanium benchmark at SolidCAM customer GOLD

Hi Emil,

Yesterday was a fantastic cutting with iMachining at our customer Gold

We cut titanium and saved the customer 54% for each part (42 min instead of 90 min).

They have now to cut 200 such parts.

The final result of the cutting at Gold:

- Tools:  from 2-6 mm(very small part)

- CNC Machine – Mazak 4 axis

- Customer's time for entire part: 90 min

- iMachining cutting time: 42 min

- iMachining cycle time savings: 54% saving

Evgeny machined it with 4 axis Indexial.

Deal closed for iMachining add-on module.

Best regards,

Zvika Friedman

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