iMachining unbelievable power brings SolidCAM customer back to subscription

..production manager so impressed with the iMachining cutting, he asked for a quote for 2 iMachining modules and renewing subscription for all their 5 SolidCAM seats..


|  Machinery

Subject: iMachining unbelievable power brings SolidCAM customer back to subscription, after years of not being under subscription!!
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2012 12:02:19 +0200
From: Natalie Somekh <>
To: 'Emil Somekh' <>

SolidCAM has a big customer, Gal-Shvav, who has 5 seats of SolidCAM and 15 CNC machines!

Gal-Shvav provide Turnkey Products for cost-effective precision in manufacturing.

The customer did not renew his subscription since 2008, stating they are working very good with their old version (SolidCAM 2008!!!) and that their programmers are very professional in SolidCAM and do not need support.

When I called the production manager last week, I did not talk about renewing subscription - I talked about what iMachining can give them, saving up to 70% in machining time!.

Obviously he was very interested in what I had to say and wanted to see LIVE iMachining cutting at their machine shop.

Yesterday we visited them and cut a steel part with iMachining, while 8 of their CNC staff were watching (attached picture)!

The production manager was so impressed with the iMachining cutting, he asked me immediately for a quote both for 2 iMachining modules and renewing subscription for all their 5 SolidCAM seats..

This is a great example of the power of iMachining to convince existing customers, both to renew their subscription and to get iMachining!

Best regards,
Natalie Somekh | Sales | SolidCAM

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