Important InventorCAM win with iMachining against Competitor CAM

..completely different level in toolpath generation than competitor CAM and iMachining has the unique Technology Wizard

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Subject: Important InventorCAM with iMachining win against Competitor CAMl
Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2012 11:49:02 +0200
From: Emil Somekh <>
To: solidcam <>

Dear SolidCAM team,

Prior (<link http: _blank>, Inventor and InventorCAM reseller in Croatia, had competition at an Inventor customer (<link http: _blank> for a CAM seat.

Even though the customer had nearly before decided to buy the competitor CAM software, after they saw the demo of InventorCAM with iMachining, they decided to buy InventorCAM with all the modules.

iMachining is at completely different level in toolpath generation than the competitor CAM and iMachining has the unique Technology Wizard, that nobody else has, making iMachining completely unique in this aspect.

Best Regards,

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