úspěšné příběhy iMachining

iMachining 3D great results at Roop Polymers - 72% saving in Roughing vs CAM competitor!!!

....Rubber mold (automotive component)...steel EN31

 Automobilový průmysl
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iMachining at Die&Mold Event at Iscar, Sao Paolo

...success was great for both - after the event we showed both that the Iscar tools had low wear and the excellent results of the of mold machining.

 Výrobci a prodejci řezných nástrojů
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iMachining 3D - 83% Savings in Roughing against Competitor CAM

... Makino S33 Vertical Milling Machine, Die Steel,Tool : Dia 10 Flat End Mill, Part Size : 150 X 140 X 43 (Cutting Depth 17mm) ...32 min cutting time by iMachining 3D instead of 180 min!

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iMachining 3D - 86% Savings in Roughing in Copper against Competitor CAM

...Competitor CAM - Roughing: 23 mins, iMachining 3D - 3 mins

 úspěchy iMachiningu u zákazníků
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SolidCAM + iMachining provides best solution as integrated CAM for SolidWorks

...He saw our online video of iMachining and was very enthusiastic.

 Automobilový průmysl
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iMachining 3D cuts very fast at Galtronics! Saves 75% against Competitor CAM!

SolidCAM China reports 75% time savings with 3D iMachining against Competitor CAM on Makino CNC machine

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SolidCAM iMachining 2D/3D beats Competitor CAM at Motif Engineers with 60% cycle time reduction

...customer very excited with successful iMachining trial - 60% cycle time reduction and increase in tool life at first attempt.

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SolidCAM wins against Competitor CAM at Alubin-SHL with iMachining impressive cutting results

..we used iMachining 3D for the 3D Roughing – the results impressed the customer tremendously..

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iMachining 2D/ 3D Test cutting saves 72% cycle time in milling of die

...tool looked nearly like new after about 2 hours of roughing!

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iMachining 3D win at Menes – 85% saving

....Chief programmer Igor said: "I hope we get such results every day – we will have great savings in costs with iMachining 3D!!"

 Obchod s pracovními příležitostmi
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A.A. Daniel: Časová úspora 3D iMachiningu ve srovnání s druhým CAM systémem vysokorychlostního obrábění: 57% úspora

.. proces programování v SolidCAMu je mnohem snazší, rychlejší a efektivnější ve srovnání s druhým CAM systémem..z výsledků 3D iMachiningu byli velmi nadšení.

 Letectví a kosmonautika
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Cutting part with iMachining 3D saves cycle time and extends tool life dramatically!

....33% saving in cycle time.. ISCAR Tool cut 12 Parts with iMachining 3D toolpath, instead of only 1 Part with Competitor CAM!

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Výkonnostní test 3D iMachiningu v Cadron Aviation: úspora 56% na času cyklu, hluboké obrábění do hliníku

..pro druhou stranu součásti lze součást upnout jen pomocí vakua. Při iMachiningu nemohl programátor uvěřit, že lze s upnutím pomocí vakua obrábět tuto součást tak velkými rychlostmi.

 Letectví a kosmonautika
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iMachining 3D saves customer 48% in cycle time in aluminum

...after iMachining 2D increased his profit by 300% when cutting steel!

 Obchod s pracovními příležitostmi
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iMachining 2D & 3D impressive results cutting steel and titanium

“It is incredibly impressive seeing iMachining cutting stainless steel 1.4301 - we would have never thought such results were possible”.

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iMachining saving in Aluminum reaches 75%

.."It was just amazing - iMachining worked immediately - For all components, we now achieve savings of 65 to 75%.”

 úspěchy iMachiningu u zákazníků
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iMachining 3D Success at Micon – 59% saving in steel

Former Milling Time over 24 hours for all 5 Pockets - iMachining 3D time is about 10 hours..

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iMachining 3D live cutting at Thai Vacuum molding customer - 85% saving in steel...

..Workshop owner could not believe his eyes.

 Lisovací formy a formy
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iMachining 2D customer is impressed with iMachining 3D results

The results with iMachining 3D were of course much better than whatever they imagined.

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iMachining 3D | Exciting Statement of a SolidCAM iMachining customer!

..cutting now with iMachining-3D complex parts, with deep cutting contour and all kind of Materials.

 Citace zákazníků o společnosti iMachining
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