ProKASRO Mechatronics GmbH in Karlsruhe on iMachining: "we're thrilled - it's just incredible"

...the cycle times have been reduced by 70% to 80% - sometimes even reduced by 90%

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Rolf Dettinger | ProKASRO Mechatronik GmbH

"My name is Rolf Dettinger. I am the production manager at companyProKASRO Mechatronics GmbH in Karlsruhe.

<link http: en.html>

We use SolidCAM iMachining mainly for machining of aluminum and stainless steel.

I do not know how iMachining works at other companies and how well it is integrated in their process, but here I have to say that it fits perfectly with our range of parts, and is so well  functioning for us, that we're thrilled - it's just incredible.

The cycle times have been reduced by 70% to 80% - sometimes even reduced by 90 %.

The programming times were also greatly reduced and tool life in some parts were twice higher than in the past.

With more efficient programming, short  learning time, longer tool life and less tools needed, SolidCAM iMachining has paid off its cost for us in very short time.

 I simply started to try it and when I saw that iMachining works really well,  I then work only with iMachining and it works very good."

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