
SolidCAM Additive Manufacturing

SolidCAM Additive Manufacturing


The complete Solution for cost effective 3D Metal Printing and efficient CNC Machining – all from one source!


  • SolidCAM增材製造將3D金屬列印添加到您的製造過程中。

  • Desktop Metal Studio 2系統可生產功能原型,以及小批量的快速模具。

  • Desktop Metal Shop系統利用極快的粘結劑-噴射技術來大規模生產金屬3D列印部件。

  • 我們廣泛的加工知識將有助於指導從設計到3D列印,再到數控加工的整個過程。

  • 今天就聯繫我們,以瞭解更多資訊並升級您的製造工藝!


  • 3D打印近净几何形状,通过数控加工进行后处理
  • 3D打印复杂的模型几何,不需要额外的费用,与较简单的几何相比。
  • 3D打印不可能加工的几何形状(内部通道、凹槽等)。

The Promise of 3D Printing



Joerg Vollmann-Schipper

电话。+49 7422 2494-14



电话。866-975-1115 x35

SolidCAM Additive Manufacturing

SolidCAM Additive Manufacturing

3D Printing Systems from Desktop Metal

— 01

Shop System

Designed with the modern machine shop in mind, the Shop System™ is built to fit seamlessly into your workflow. Produce parts with superior surface finish and resolution versus laser-based 3D printing systems at a fraction of the cost.

The Shop System™ from Desktop Metal introduces high quality binder jetting to an entirely new market of machine shops. Shops can now cost effectively 3D print end use metal parts with unparalleled speed and productivity.

High resolution printhead

The Shop System™ features the highest resolution single pass printhead in the market. With 1600x1600 dpi native (33% higher than the nearest competitor), and over 670M drops per second, the Shop System™ delivers high-speed, high-resolution printing.

Unparalleled productivity

With a high-speed, single-pass print engine, Shop System™ produces high-quality metal parts 10x faster than laser powder bed fusion. Boasting speeds up to 700 cc/hr, the system is capable of producing up to 70 kg of metal parts per day—allowing you to print tens to hundreds of near-net shape parts each day.

No tooling required

The Shop System™ is a tooling-free manufacturing process. Change over to a new job at the press of a button and process multiple complex jobs simultaneously without the need for custom setups.

Adaptive print engine

Users don’t have to sacrifice feature detail or resolution for speed. Employing the smallest droplet size on the market (1.2 pL) and automated drop multiplexing up to 6 pL, the Shop System™ achieves superior surface finish, bleed control and rich feature detail at high speed.

Simplified post-processing

Parts on the Shop System™ print fully supported in their powder bed, and feature hand-removable sintering setters. Avoid hours of labor machining off support structures typical to laser-based systems and instead achieve customer-ready parts right out of the furnace.

End-to-end solution

The Shop System™ contains all pieces of equipment your machine shop needs to begin binder jetting—from print through sintering. With upgradable variable build volume configurations (4L, 8L, 12L, and 16L), the Shop System™ is designed to scale to your shop’s throughput.

3D printing on the manufacturing floor: volume production with no tooling!

— 02

Studio System 2

Desktop Metal's Studio System 2 was designed from the ground-up to fit into your team’s workflow. With no solvents, no loose metal powders or lasers and very little operator intervention required, the system makes it easy to start printing metal parts - no third-party equipment or special facilities required.

Using Bound Metal Deposition™ (BMD) process, making complex, high-performance metal parts has never been easier. Bound metal rods allow higher loading of metal powder to binder as they do not require the flexibility of a spooled filament.

Designed for the office

The Studio System 2 was designed from the ground-up to fit into your team’s workflow. With no solvents, no loose metal powders or lasers and very little operator intervention required, the system makes it easy to start printing metal parts - no third party equipment or special facilities required.

Easy, two-step processing

Making complex, high-performance metal parts has never been easier. Featuring a breakthrough two-step process, next-generation Separable Supports, and a software-controlled workflow, the Studio System 2 makes it simpler than ever to produce custom metal parts.

High-quality parts

Easily produce difficult-to-machine parts featuring complex geometry like undercuts and internal channels. Fabricate, the software at the heart of the Studio System, automates complicated metallurgical processes to produce high-quality parts with densities and feature accuracy similar to casting.

Key benefits

  • Easy, two-step processing
  • User-friendly software-controlled workflow
  • Patented smart Separable SupportsTM technology for quick post-processing
  • Qualified for eight materials
  • Designed for office-friendly printing
  • A trusted system used worldwide with success

Key use cases

— 03

Envision One

Rapid production of strong, fully isotropic hard plastic end-use parts. The ETEC Envision One features patented CDLM (continuous digital light manufacturing) technology, which provides the ability for continuous printing. With little to no delay between layers, the Envision One delivers exceptional speed, print resolution, surface finish, and part properties.

The Envision One leverages long-chain polymer chemistry to produce strong, stable parts. The result is isotropic parts suitable for end-use applications and capable of standing up to the most demanding conditions.

Print technology
Continuous Digital Light Manufacturing (CDLM)

Build envelope (L × W × H) 1
80 × 101 × 330 mm (7.09 × 3.98 × 13 in)

XY resolution
60 μm (with patented pixel tuning)

Z resolution
50–150 μm (material dependent)

— 04

S-Max Pro: Production-Ready 3D Sand Printer

Advanced Binder Jet 3D Printing for Complex Foundry Cores and Molds

Disruptive times call for disruptive technologies and the S-Max Pro is the smartest, most advanced 3D sand printer from ExOne. Binder jet 3D printing is finally available to help foundries operate more efficiently and grow business despite labor shortages.

Benefits of 3D printing for sandcasting include:
  • Lights-out manufacturing with less hard-to-find labor
  • Design freedom to consolidate complex cores with less assembly
  • Integrate organic rigging and risers for less scrap
  • Eliminate the lead time, cost, and storage of traditional tooling

The S-Max Pro from ExOne features a 1260-liter build box for rapid product development and reliable production of sand molds and cores. The fully automated printhead increases print speed and advanced powder compaction offers leading green density and strength of complex designs. The S-Max Pro can process all ExOne binder systems, including furan, phenolic, and inorganic, and is adjustable to produce cores and molds in a variety of foundry sands, from silica to ceramic.

As the most advanced system in the ExOne family of 3D sand printers, the S-Max Pro is focused on continuous 24/7 production and offers Industry 4.0 integration with cloud connectivity and real-time machine monitoring.

SolidCAM's Global Partnership with Desktop Metal

Founded in 1984, SolidCAM is a global leader in innovative Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) software for CNC machining, that supports all CNC machines types and brands, upto multi-channel mill-turnand Swiss CNCs. SolidCAM has today 20,000 CNC Job shop and Manufacturing customers worldwide.SolidCAM is a Desktop Metal sales partner that specializes in providing combined 3D Printing and CNC machining solutions.

SolidCAM has established combined CNC and AM Technology Centers in the US, Germany and Israel. These centers feature Desktop Metal’s Studio 2 Systems and Shop Systems solutions, in addition to CNC machines, to demonstrate how Desktop Metal’s AM 2.0 solutions complement traditional subtractive CNC machining technologies and workflows.

Desktop Metal, Inc., based in Burlington, Massachusetts, is accelerating the transformation of manufacturing with an expansive portfolio of 3D printing solutions, from rapid prototyping to mass production. Founded in 2015 by leaders in advanced manufacturing and metallurgy, the company is addressing the unmet challenges of speed, cost, and quality to make additive manufacturing an essential tool for engineers and manufacturers around the world.

Desktop Metal® Exists to Deliver on the Vision of 3D Printing: Mass Production

The SolidCAM Additive & Desktop Metal Germany Teams

Worldwide SolidCAM CNC + 3D Printing Technology Centers

Contact us for more information


Joerg Vollmann-Schipper

Phone: +49 7422 2494-14


Kenny Betz

Phone: 866-975-1115 x35
