
Unlock with Subscription
Define the iMachining Data Part 2
Define the iMachining Data Part 2

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Remaining Parameters
Remaining Parameters

 练习7。iMachining 2D的高级功能与控制
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Advanced Parameters on the Technology Page
Advanced Parameters on the Technology Page

 练习7。iMachining 2D的高级功能与控制
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Advanced Parameters on the Technology Wizard Page
Advanced Parameters on the Technology Wizard Page

 练习7。iMachining 2D的高级功能与控制
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Advanced Parameters on the Levels Page
Advanced Parameters on the Levels Page

 练习7。iMachining 2D的高级功能与控制
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Advanced Parameters on the Tool Page
Advanced Parameters on the Tool Page

 练习7。iMachining 2D的高级功能与控制
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Advanced Parameters on the Geometry Page
Advanced Parameters on the Geometry Page

 练习7。iMachining 2D的高级功能与控制
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Load the CAM-Part
Load the CAM-Part

 练习7。iMachining 2D的高级功能与控制
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Material Database
Material Database

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Machine Database
Machine Database

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Machine the Holes
Machine the Holes

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Machine the Triangular Pocket
Machine the Triangular Pocket

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Machine the Through Hole
Machine the Through Hole

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Machine the Ledges
Machine the Ledges

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iRough & iFinish the Final Outside Shape
iRough & iFinish the Final Outside Shape

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iRough & iFinish the Original Outside Shape
iRough & iFinish the Original Outside Shape

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Load the CAM-Part
Load the CAM-Part

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Machine the Vent Slots
Machine the Vent Slots

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Machine the Counterbores
Machine the Counterbores

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iMachining with Small Tools
iMachining with Small Tools
