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Generate G-Code & Close the CAM-Part
Generate G-Code & Close the CAM-Part

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Simulate the iMachining Tool Path
Simulate the iMachining Tool Path

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Define the Rough Machining of the Pocket Ledge
Define the Rough Machining of the Pocket Ledge

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Define the Rough Machining of the Center Pocket
Define the Rough Machining of the Center Pocket

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Define the Levels
Define the Levels

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Define the Tool
Define the Tool

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Define the Geometry
Define the Geometry

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Add an iMachining 2D Operation to the CAM-Part
Add an iMachining 2D Operation to the CAM-Part

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Part 1: Define the Typical CAM-Part Parameters
Part 1: Define the Typical CAM-Part Parameters

 练习8:iMachining 3D - 模芯加工
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Define the iMachining Data Part 1
Define the iMachining Data Part 1

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Define the CAM-Part
Define the CAM-Part

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Start SolidCAM and Create the CAM-Part
Start SolidCAM and Create the CAM-Part

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Part 2: Define a Drill Recognition Operation (Hole Features Drilling)
Part 2: Define a Drill Recognition Operation (Hole Features Drilling)

 练习9:iMachining 3D - 棱形零件加工
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Part 1: Define a Drilling Operation (Countersink Machining)
Part 1: Define a Drilling Operation (Countersink Machining)

 练习9:iMachining 3D - 棱形零件加工
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Part 2: Define a Pocket Recognition Operation (Pocket Features Finishing)
Part 2: Define a Pocket Recognition Operation (Pocket Features Finishing)

 练习9:iMachining 3D - 棱形零件加工
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Part 1: Define a Profile Operation (Outside Shape Finishing)
Part 1: Define a Profile Operation (Outside Shape Finishing)

 练习9:iMachining 3D - 棱形零件加工
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Lesson 3: Define the Rest Machining with iMachining 3D
Lesson 3: Define the Rest Machining with iMachining 3D

 练习9:iMachining 3D - 棱形零件加工
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Part 2: Define an iMachining 3D Operation
Part 2: Define an iMachining 3D Operation

 练习9:iMachining 3D - 棱形零件加工
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Part 1: Define a Drilling Operation
Part 1: Define a Drilling Operation

 练习9:iMachining 3D - 棱形零件加工