
完整的、一流的CAM软件,有益于SOLIDWORKS和Autodesk Inventor中的数控编程

SolidCAM与 SOLIDWORKS®Autodesk Inventor® 的单窗口集成意味着所有的加工操作都可以在不离开SOLIDWORKS或Inventor装配环境的情况下进行定义、计算和验证,避免了无休止的、浪费时间的文件导入。


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  • SolidCAM与SOLIDWORKS是无缝集成的,在SOLIDWORKS界面下可以完成CAM编程操作
  • 与SOLIDWORKS的模型完全相关联,模型发生改变,相应的刀路也会自动更新
  • 让您达到最快的速度:非常短的学习周期,您已经熟悉我们的界面,因为它在CAD内部运行
  • SolidCAM可以在SOLIDWORKS装配体上定义夹具、刀具和虎钳等部件
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  • 通过无缝的单窗口集成,SOLIDWORKS的外观和感觉 - 完全支持现代4K显示器 完全关联性:当SOLIDWORKS模型改变时,刀具路径会自动更新 SolidCAM在SOLIDWORKS装配模式下工作,以定义夹具、刀具和钳子
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  • All CAM machining operations can be defined, calculated, and verified without leaving Solid Edge
  • Full associativity: toolpaths are automatically updated when the Solid Edge model is changed
  • Fixtures, tooling, and vices can be designed quickly in Solid Edge and used directly with SolidCAM
  • Access to SolidCAM’s patented iMachining high speed milling technology that creates significantly faster and safe CAM programs to machine parts with first part success, while maximizing tool life


Essai logo

If changes are made on the design side, we capture them on the manufacturing side because SOLIDWORKS and SolidCAM are fully associative.

Kramer Designs Corp.

The tight integration with SOLIDWORKS makes my design-to-production life cycle easy and fast.

fvpmanuals logo

The ease of making CAM Gcode right within our SOLIDWORKS 3D modeler is hard to beat.

GDK Technologies logo

The tight integration and powerful functionality of the Inventor + InventorCAM solution improved our productivity and it explains why the Inventor+InventorCAM solution is getting a strong following.

Cugach Electric Association logo

Our InventorCAM Package has made smooth and easy integration between design and manufacturing, making it easy to get our parts produced. This saves our customers money.

Defiance Machine logo

InventorCAM seemed like a natural extension of Inventor... InventorCAM was extremely easy to learn. I was actually generating code the first week, and this is on our five axis CNC machine.
