GROB Shanghai Technology Open Day - SolidCAM Software Helps Aerospace Manufacturing Industry

On January 21st, 2021, GROB held a technology open day event with the theme of Efficient Processing - Helping Aerospace at its Shanghai Technology Center.

|  Exhibition

GROB, SCHUNK, SECO Tools, SolidCAM – The Leaders in Integrated CAM, Basso Cutting Fluid and Sonnettwere the presenters, representing the entire manufacturing chain. These companies specialize in CNC machine tools, tools, fixtures, advanced CAM technologies and competitive solutions in software simulation, cutting fluid and other related links of precision machining, and help precision machining companies solve practical problems, improve machining efficiency, and reduce manufacturing costs. Nearly 100 people from aerospace and other companies participated in this event. 

Wuxi Topsmill Electronics Technologies Co., Ltd. is a first-level reseller and technical service provider of SolidCAM’ssoftware in East China. It has more than 10 years of SolidCAM sales and technical service experience. Wuxi has accumulated numerous customers and are experienced in the processing fields of multi-axis milling and multi-channel longitudinal cutting for their customers in the fields of automobile, aerospace, shipbuilding, medical, general machinery, etc.  

Wuxi, with its deep engineering and technical background, combined with SolidCAM’s powerful CAM solutions,help companies to significantly improve product quality, production efficiency and other aspects, and effectively promote manufacturing companies to achieve their established goals. 

SolidCAM was founded in 1984 by CEO Dr. Emil Somekh, who has more than 30 years of professional experience in CAM development and application. Mr. Lu Qingyang, Technical Manager of SolidCAM China, said that the core strategy of SolidCAM is to seamlessly integrate in leading 3D CAD systems, SOLIDWORKS and Autodesk Inventor.  

SolidCAMsupports iMachining 2D, iMachining 3D, 2.5D milling, High-Speed Surface milling (HSS), 3D High-Speed milling (HSM), Multi-Sided Indexial 4/5-Axes milling,Simultaneous 5-Axis machining, Turning, Advanced Mill-Turn including Swiss-Type machining and Solid Probe,covering the almost the entirety of CAM needs 

SolidCAM‘s unique, revolutionary and patentediMachining technologysaves 70% and more in CNC machining time,whileextending tool life dramatically. The iMachining Technology Wizard provides automatically optimized feeds and speeds using parameters includingtool path, stock material, type of cutting tool and CNC machine specifications,then calculates the most optimal tool path to allow you to cut faster, remove more materials per pass and reduce the wear on your tools.  

In the exhibition hall of GROB Shanghai Technology Center, the technologies exhibited, including SolidCAM'siMachining, got strong interest from the attendees.

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