Reseller´s meeting and SolidCAM 2011 and iMachining Launch Event

..More than 60 people already registered to come for training on to-be released SolidCAM 2011 and especially for a training on the new, revolutionary technology, iMachining.

Created by Oleg Zak | |  Regular News

iMachining samples on fast Hermle machine

12th-15th January 2011, Brno

Reseller´s Meeting and SolidCAM 2011 and iMachining Launch Event will take place in January 2011 in Brno, Czech Republic.

More than 60 people already registered to come for training on to-be released SolidCAM 2011 and especially for a training on the new, revolutionary technology, iMachining.

They will have a unique opportunity to see live cutting of iMachining samples on fast Hermle machine and realize how productive this technolgy could be.

The meeting will be organized by Ivan Cimr, European Sales Manager, with help of SolidCAM CZ and SolidVision company as hosts. Cutting will be run at the Technology Center of SolidVision (TTC), bigest SolidWorks and SolidCAM reseller in Czech Republic.

TTC (<link http: _blank external-link-new-window> is a specialize training center fro high-tech customers. With more than 100 simultaneous 5-axes customers in the market, TTC was a necessity to provide best possible service and support.

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