SolidCAM China and Shenzhen TaoShi Set-Up a New SolidCAM Technology Centre for Swiss-Type Machining

SolidCAM China has teamed up with Shenzhen TaoShi Precision Technology Co., Ltd. to set-up a new SolidCAM Technology Centre for Swiss-Type Machining and Manufacturing.

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TaoShi Precision Technology Co., Ltd., located in the heart of the manufacturing district of Bao’an, and within the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, Southern China, bordering to Hong Kong, became an early adopter of SolidCAM’s Swiss-Type module in 2016. TaoShi, a machine shop boasting 30 Swiss-Type machines ranging from Tsugami, Star and various local Chinese brands, saw an immediate impact that SolidCAM provides to them. 

Mr. Tao Yu Long, Managing Director of TaoShi volunteered the use of his machines to showcase his factory’s capabilities during an event co-organized by SolidCAM and Hong Kong Productivity Council, in August 2020. Mr. Tao is encouraged by such a good turnout during the event, especially as China starts to re-start from the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, after seeing such a demand in Swiss-Type machined parts, TaoShi Precision wanted to set-up a SolidCAM Technology Centre dedicated for Swiss-Type machining at his factory. 

After presenting Mr. Tao with the SolidCAM Swiss-Type Technology Partner Award, they began clearing space in the factory and make renovations to the area. TaoShi turned part of his factory space into the first SolidCAM Swiss-Type Technology Centre in China. 

In November 2020, the new Training area was renovated and is now 100% dedicated to SolidCAM. With the newly renovated area, SolidCAM can host customers, training events and even broadcast live cuts directly from the production area. 

The following video taken on November 17, 2020 highlights the location of the Training area in relation to the location of the Swiss-Type machines: 

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