SolidCAM & Citizen Technology Partnership

SolidCAM GmbH and Citizen have been cooperating in Germany since the beginning of 2018. After SolidCAM visited the Citizen headquarters in Esslingen on 5th April 2018, the cooperation between the two companies picked up speed and steadily strengthened their partnership.

|  Exhibition

SolidCAM GmbH and Citizen have been cooperating in Germany since the beginning of 2018. After SolidCAM visited the Citizen headquarters in Esslingen on 5th April 2018, the cooperation between the two companies picked up speed and steadily strengthened their partnership. After the visit, Citizen provided SolidCAM GmbH’s Technology Center in Schramberg with a Citizen L20 Swiss-Type machine on loan.

SolidCAM developed the post processor for the L20 machine, with the close feedback and help of Citizen. Two of SolidCAM’s customers, both of whom use the L20 machine, received the SolidCAM developed postprocessor. SolidCAM also provided Citizen with a SolidCAM license, and their application engineers joined training lessons in some selected modules.

During this period Citizen was represented with a Swiss-Type lathe in SolidCAM’s exhibition booths at every important trade show, such as AMB 2018 in Stuttgart or EMO 2019 in Hannover.

Currently SolidCAM has a Citizen D25-1M8 in their Technology Center in Schramberg. With 3 NC channels and simultaneous processing, this machine offers a whole range of high tech features.

In October 2019, SolidCAM held a very successful event in their technology center together with Citizen and ISCAR, including live machining on the D25.

SolidCAM now plans to equip the SolidCAM Technology Center West with another Citizen machine sometime in the near future.

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