SolidCAM's New Turbo Roughing

SolidCAM India recently machined two dies on a Jyoti VMC CNC using Tools provided by TaeguTec. Using the new Turbo Roughing, Rest Roughing and Turbo Finishing strategies in SolidCAM 2020, the team at SolidCAM India were able to achieve an impressive surface finish.

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SolidCAM India recently machined two dies for an upcoming Open House session at the Siemens TAG centre in Bangalore.  

The dies were machined on a Jyoti VMC CNC using Tools provided by TaeguTec. Jyoti CNC is the largest CNC machine tool manufacturing company of India with a subsidiary, Huron, based in Strasbourg, France.  

Utilizing the new Turbo Roughing, Rest Roughing and Turbo Finishing strategies in SolidCAM 2020, the team at SolidCAM India were able to achieve an excellent surface finish of 0.4 µm when machining the dies. Results of the machining process are below: 

Machine: Jyoti VMC 640 

Controller: Siemens 828 D  

Material: P20 (Pre-hardened Die steel) 

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