57% Time saving in A.A. Daniel with iMachining 3D, compared to other CAM High Speed Machining

.. the programming process in SolidCAM is much easier, faster and more effective, compared to the other CAM system...They were very excited to see the results with iMachining 3D

|  Job Shop

From: Evgeny Lamez [mailto:evgeny.lamez@solidcam.com]

Sent: Sunday, May 05, 2013 11:27 PM

To: Emil Somekh; Zvika Friedman

Subject:  Time saving of iMachining 3D compared to other CAM High Speed Machining - 57% saving

Cutting benchmark with iMachining 3D at A.A.DANIEL company

A.A. DANIEL worked with another CAM system for many years
. They are a job shop that does machining work for high-tech, electronic and aerospace parts. They have 8 CNC machines.

Two years ago A.A. Daniel bought the first seat of SolidCAM. This was due to several reasons:

  1. The support they received from local reseller of the other CAM was not good.
  2. CAD of other CAM system is very problematic (most job shops here work in CAD with SolidWorks)
  3. It is difficult to find here a CNC programmer that knows the other CAM system, as SolidCAM is the prevalent, dominant CAM product in the Industry (65% of market) and in Technical Education (90% of market)

They worked with the first seat of SolidCAM for a year and a half, and were very satisfied.

They saw that the programming process in SolidCAM is much easier, faster and more effective, compared to the other CAM system.

Following that, A.A. Daniel purchased an additional seat of SolidCAM (two months ago).

When I installed the 2nd SolidCAM seat, I told them about the power of iMachining, and we decided to cut a part on their machine with iMachining.

They called me on Thursday, and said they have two parts, on which they would like to try iMachining. The first part was from Kovar material (iron-nickel-cobalt alloy) and the second part was Titanium.

Today we did the iMachining cutting of the first part in Kovar material.


Tool: Iscar, diameter 16 mm, 5 teeth.

They did this part with the other CAM High Speed Machining module and had to work hard to get the tool path they wanted.

The time of other CAM High Speed machining module: 56 min.

With SolidCAM iMachining, using the Technology Wizard, I programmed the part very quickly.

The time of SolidCAM iMachining 3D (Level 5): 24 minutes. Time saving of iMachining compared to other CAM High Speed Machining: 57% saving

They were very excited to see the results with iMachining 3D.

Before purchasing the iMachining module, they requested to also have a demonstration of the 2nd part in Titanium, with iMachining 3D.

I believe that after the 2nd cut, they will surely buy the iMachining module. 

Best Regards,

Evgeny Lamez,



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