iMachining 2D win at customer Sustiel - 64% saving in Aluminum...

Time saved on the amount of 250 parts : 18 hours

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Hi Emil,

I visited SolidCAM customer Sustiel.

CNC Machine: AWEA (3 AXIS)

Machine parameters: Spin rate: 12000  Feed: 10000

Material: 6061 Aluminum

Depth of cut: 55 mm 

Tool: Rough mill, diameter  16, teeth 3 (Iscar) 

Cutting time customer: 6 minutes 54 seconds

iMachining cutting parameters: level 5 (no turbo)

Cutting time iMachining: 2 minutes 28 second  

Time saved on one Aluminumpart : 64 % 

Total number of part : 250 

Time saved on the amount of 250 parts : 18 hours (two working days) 

Factory manager (Izik) was very impressed with the technology of iMachining and the time saved. 

Best Regards,

David Gontar 

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