iMachining 3D live cutting at Thai Vacuum molding customer - 85% saving in steel...

..Workshop owner could not believe his eyes.


|  Die & Mold

From: Michael Vinetsky
Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2013 9:47 AM
To: Daniel Djurica; Eddie Pevzner; Emil Somekh; Michelle Attar; Yoav Meyuhas
Subject: iMachining 3D live cutting at Thai Vacuum molding customer - 85% saving in steel... 

Hi Emil, 

In our visit to Thai Vacuum molding company, we presented SolidCAM modules, and helped the customer prepare a difficult 3D model in SolidWorks, programming mold part.  

iMachining 3D live cutting

Material: SKD steel – 44 HRc
Tool: low cost, 6 mm diameter, 5 flutes, produced locally 
Geometry: two deep pockets – 34 mm depth

Customer Time – 2.5 hours

iMachining time – 22 min , with pre drilling operation - 85% time saving! 

Workshop owner could not believe his eyes.  

Best Regards, 

Michael Vinetsky
Int. Support Engineer
PPDB Manager
Tel: +972(54)8042444
Skype: mihavin
Email: <link>


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