iMachining 3D saves customer 48% in cycle time in aluminum

...after iMachining 2D increased his profit by 300% when cutting steel!

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From: David Gontar
Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2013 8:31 PM
To: Emil Somekh; Zvika Friedman
Subject: RE: WIN iMachining 3D



The customer Sparcut asked us to come and make a benchmark cut with iMachining 3D on an aluminum part.

The customer already has bought iMachining 2D and he told us that iMachining 2D increased his profit by 300% on a steel part.

iMachining 3D cut:

Material: 6061 AL

Cutting tool: ISCAR end mill 10 mm

iMachining level: Turbo 5

Machine: MAZAK

Depth: 16 mm

Previous Machining time: 34 minutes
iMachining cycle time: 18 minutes
Time savings: 48%

We programmed the machining of the other side of the part and we saved 57% in cycle time!

Now he wants to see iMachining 3D on a titanium part! 

David Gontar 
Tel: 054-7717247


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