iMachining amazes customer with its outstanding capability in cutting steel, on an old CNC machine!

..customer extremely impressed - could not believe that these feeds and speeds are possible for such a machine!

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From: David Gontar

Sent: Friday, April 05, 2013 6:17 PM

To: Emil Somekh

Subject: iMachining amazes customer with its outstanding capability in cutting steel, on an old CNC machine!

Hi Emil,

Report : 4.4.13

Vladimir and I visited Videx, a SolidCAM customer, to demonstrate iMachining.

Videx develops and manufactures machines for special tasks

<link http: videx1 machines.aspx>

They gave me a part to cut with iMachining:

CNC Machine:  LAGUNA

Material: 4340 Steel

Depth of cut: 20 mm

Tool: End mill, diameter 10 mm, teeth 4

Cutting parameters: iMachining level 5, step down 20 mm

Cutting time iMachining: 14.5 minutes

The CNC Machine is very old (about 20 years!)  - Spin Max 2000 rpm.

They worked with it at feeds of 100-130 mm/min and spin of 1300 rpm. With iMachining we reached feeds of 790 mm/min and max spin of 2000 rpm.

Vadim, the programmer and Michael, the production manager, were extremely impressed - they could not believe that these feeds and speeds are possible for such a machine!

David Gontar

SolidCAM Ltd.

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