iMachining at Die&Mold Event at Iscar, Sao Paolo

...success was great for both - after the event we showed both that the Iscar tools had low wear and the excellent results of the of mold machining.

|  Cutting tool Manufacturers and Resellers

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Die&Mold Demonstration at Iscar, June 15
Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2012 17:19:16 -0300
From: Sandro E Silva <>
To: 'Emil Somekh' <>

Hi Emil,

In the event that occurred last week, June 15th, in Iscar tools located in Sao Paulo, targeted for mechanical manufacturing, mainly for the area of dies and molds.

In this event, SolidCAM gave a presentation, where I talked about our structure around the world, our areas of expertise, integration with SolidWorks and Inventor, the complete solution for milling and especially the revolutionary iMachining.

During the seminar we provided together with Iscar, for the first time, the machining of the profile of a mold, where participants were able to follow its steps, from roughing to finishing. We demonstrated the ability of machining with SolidCAM iMachining and the use of Iscar tools.

The success was great for both - after the event we showed both that the Iscar tools had low wear and the excellent results of the of mold machining.

These results led to us be invited to the next seminar taking place this week, targeted to manufacturers of machines.

Atenciosamente/Saludos Cordiales/Best regards,
Sandro Edilson Silva
SolidCAM Americas
Mobile: +55 11 8925 5225
Phone: +55 11 4316 2719

De: Ricardo Freitas []
Enviada em: segunda-feira, 18 de junho de 2012 16:07
Para: <link>
Assunto: ENC: Demonstrações Die&Mold
Prezado Sandro, boa tarde,
Segue o arquivo em PDF da apresentação do seminário técnico D&M. Segue também fotos do evento.
Ricardo Freitas
Marketing/MTB | Iscar do Brasil
(19) 3826.7122 I (19) 9684.7723
<link http: _blank>

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