iMachining of very hard steel at Rhytem Plast - saving 87%!

Old Machine, cut very hard steel with iMachining. Customer told us that we surprised him and that even with aluminum he doesn`t work with such high speeds!

|  Die & Mold

From: David Gontar
Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2013 11:32 PM
To: Emil Somekh
Subject:  iMachining WIN


Hi Emil,

I visited Rhytem Plast, who does molds from very hard steel for plastic parts, to demonstrate iMachining.

We did 2 iMachining cuts on one of his mold parts:

Material: H13 very hard steel

CNC Machine : Hartford with Fanuc controller

iMachining Cut # 1

Depth of cut : 18 mm

Tool : End mill, diameter 12 mm, teeth 5 (ISCAR)

Cutting time customer: 3:45 hr  

iMachining Cutting parameters : level 6, step down 18 mm

Cutting time iMachining : 00:29 hr

 Saving: 87%


iMachining Cut # 2

Depth of cut : 46 mm

Tool : End mill, diameter 16 mm, teeth 5 (FORD)

Cutting time customer: 4:01 hr

iMachining cutting parameters: level 6, step down 23 mm

Cutting time iMachining: 00:52 hr

Saving : 78 %


Very old Machine (12 years old), we worked with DNC on-line

The customer told us that we surprised him and that even with aluminum he doesn`t work with such high speeds!

He kept on saying: amazing!

He was surprised to find out that his machine can work with such high speeds!

He made a stop during the cut to check the tool status: the tool was like new..

The load on the machine spindle during all cut was under 10%.

The customer asked us who invented iMachining, because he never heard of any such amazing capability in any other CAM software..


David Gontar

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