iMachining saving in Aluminum reaches 75%

.."It was just amazing - iMachining worked immediately - For all components, we now achieve savings of 65 to 75%.”

|  iMachining successes at Customers

From: Ralf Keiser

Sent: Sunday, November 17, 2013 6:50 PM

To: Emil Somekh

Subject: iMachining saving in Aluminum reaches 75% 


The company Heidkamp metalworking is a SolidCAM user for about 10 years

After a short trial, they took the iMachining 2D + 3D modules

The customer worked mainly with aluminum, from several sides, on various machine tools. 

Heidkamp quickly realized the advantages they have using iMachining, compared to the previous machining. 

The customer's statement:

It was just amazing - iMachining worked immediately - For all components, we now achieve savings of 65 to 75%.”


Mit besten Grüßen

Ralf Keiser

Anwendungstechniker CAD/CAMSolidCAM GmbH
fon: +49 5454 93395-13


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