IST demonstrated the Power of iMachining at Iscar Die & Mold Workshop in Brazil

..70 participants from Die & Mold Companies...Everybody was impressed with iMachining Power

|  Die & Mold

From: Fernanda - IST Sistemas []

Sent: Friday, May 17, 2013 7:41 PM

To: Eddie Pevzner; Natalie Somekh

Subject: IST demonstrated the Power of iMachining at Iscar Die & Mold Workshop in Brazil

Hello SolidCAM Team,

I'm writing to tell you how was the Iscar WorkShop about Die & Mold in Brazil, last week.

We had almost 70 participants from Die & Mold Companies.

It was our first experience cutting with iMachining - it was very important to see and feel iMachining.

During the presentation one part was cut with iMachining. Everybody was impressed with the Power of iMachining. 

Our next steps is to train Sandro (ISCAR technical guy) on SolidCAM and iMachining, with the target to hold an iMachining Workshop at Iscar Training Center.

Attached are some pictures. At this event we were with Willian, Ricardo, Valdir and Fernanda.

SolidCAM and IST Team... Thank you so much for the collaboration.


Best Regards,

Fernanda Marzola

Departamento Comercial

Skype: fernanda_marzola

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