Jason Near, Rotary Airlock, LLC, Rock Falls, IL, USA "Every day we don't use SolidCAM iMachining we are losing money!"

"You can quickly recover the entire cost of SolidCAM and iMachining in tooling cost savings alone."


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Jason Near, Production Engineer, <link http: rotaryairlock.com external-link-new-window external link in new>Rotary Airlock, LLC, Rock Falls IL


"We don't have the luxury of large part runs and have to make 10-12 programs per day. Fortunately, we do a fair number of family of parts where just the size or minor features change, so having a Parametric model update the entire Tool Path saves us an incredible amount of time over our old CAM system."

"The first time we ran iMachining, the owner and I hovered over the e-stops, but within a few minutes we could see that even though the tool was buried to full depth, it was not wearing and the Spindle load was actually less than our previous runs".

"You can quickly recover the entire cost of SolidCAM and iMachining in tooling cost savings alone."

"Our dies have to be made out of some of the hardest material available like high cobalt content alloys (58 t0 60 Rockwell) and hard Inconel 718(44 Rockwell).

In the past, we would get 3 to 4 pockets per 1/2" ball noise insert at $75 each. Now with iMachining we can machine up to 24 pockets per solid carbide endmill. This drastically drops our costs by up to 12 times what we use to have to pay in tooling. In fact, we can save up to $450 in just Tooling in a single shift"

"Every day we don't use SolidCAM iMachining we are losing money!"

"I've been in CAD/CAM/IT for over 20 years and the SolidCAM tech team is best we have ever had in any industry." "We usually don't keep up subscription with our other systems, but SolidCAM's Annual maintenance is really reasonably prices for what you get, and we really look forward to the new versions."


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