Live Mill-Turn and iMachining cutting on Okuma Macturn

With the power of iMachining 2D & 3D and advanced Mill-Turn, SolidCAM is unbeatable!


|  iMachining in Mill-Turn

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: AMB 2012 in Stuttgart - Live Mill-Turn and iMachining cutting!
Date: Sat, 22 Sep 2012 18:30:18 +0200
From: Stephan Terhorst <>
To: Emil Somekh <>

Dear SolidCAM team,

We had an excellent exhibition at AMB 2012 in Stuttgart.

We had an Okuma MacTurn machine with 2 turrets and 2 spindles and we did live Mill-Turn and iMachining cutting every hour.

With the power of our iMachining 2D & 3D and our advanced Mill-Turn, we are unbeatable!

The potential customer interest and the lead and sales results were great!

AMB 2012 SolidCAM Mill-Turn live cutting video (MPEG FullHD 900MB): <link http: repository videos imachining de _blank>

AMB 2012 pictures: <link http: media set _blank>

Best Regards,

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