SolidCAM iMachining 2D/3D beats Competitor CAM at Motif Engineers with 60% cycle time reduction

...customer very excited with successful iMachining trial - 60% cycle time reduction and increase in tool life at first attempt.


|  Die & Mold

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: SolidCAM iMachining 2D/3D beats Competitor CAM at M/s. Motif Engineers, Ahmedabad, India
Date: Sat, 3 Nov 2012 20:36:33 +0530
From: Amod Onkar <>
To: 'Emil Somekh' <>

Dear Emil,

We have a success story of iMachining 2D + 3D combined with HSM & HSS at M/s. Motif Engineers, Ahmedabad, India.

The Customer is already a user of competitor CAM software. They were cutting the material AISI 316L body on a Jyoti HMC 560 with Siemens 840D controller.

It took him 15 hrs to manufacturethis part in the competitor CAM.

The customer saw our demonstration of iMachining 2D & 3D but could not believe until we proved it on his Machine.

We cut the same part, which is a multi-sided part, with iMachining in about 6 hrs which was more than 60% saving in cycle time.

Customer and his operators were very excited with our successful trial, with this 60% cycle time reduction and increase in tool life at first attempt.

Customer released his Purchase Order for 2 Licenses, (1) 2.5D, 3D HSM HSS, iMachining 2D & 3D (2) Turning.

Trials Conducted by :-

1) Gurbaz Singh ( SolidCAM India)

2) Kumar Handa ( Spinak CNC Solutions - Reseller )

With Best Regards,

Kumar S. Handa
Spinak CNC Solutions

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