SolidCAM wins against Competitor CAM at Alubin-SHL with iMachining impressive cutting results

..we used iMachining 3D for the 3D Roughing – the results impressed the customer tremendously..


|  Die & Mold

From: Zvika Friedman
Sent: Friday, February 15, 2013 11:52 AM
To: Emil Somekh
Subject: Alubin - Solidcam wins against Competitor CAM systems with iMachining

Hi Emil,

Alubin-SHL is a very large aluminum profile manufacturer.

During 25 years they accumulated many CAD and CAM products.

The process to get the final aluminum profile, involves many steps: designing the appropriate profile, creating the mold and die, machining it, working with erosion, inserting it to the Products Catalog….

The basic profile moves from one department to the other, and every department used different CAD/CAM

So the first mission for SolidCAM, working very closely with SolidWorks reseller, was to convince the CEO, that the way they are working is ineffective.

We made a series of meetings and demonstrations to all the Alubin team.

The last presentation was to show a full process, beginning from the profile, generating the mold and die by SolidWorks, and then machining it with SolidCAM.

We used iMachining 3D for the 3D Roughing – the results impressed them tremendously.

The deal was closed - they purchased 4 seats of SolidWorks for design from SolidWorks reseller 1 seat of SolidCAM for machining (including all modules).

I am sure they will add more stations of SolidCAM, when the implementation will be completed.

Best Regards,
Zvika Friedman

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