iMachining live cuttings at InterMold Thailand

...Visitors were amazed to see how the machining time for this part was reduced significantly from 40 minutes with standard milling to 8 minutes with iMachining!...

|  Exhibition

SolidCAM together with <link https: home _blank external-link-new-window external link in new>AppliCAD Co. Ltd, our reseller in Thailand, participated in <link http: _blank external-link-new-window external link in new>InterMold Thailand 2017, a part of MANUFACTURING EXPO 2017.

InterMold is ASEAN’s Most Comprehensive Exhibition on Mold & Mold Components Making Technology.

The exhibition was conducted from 21-24 June 2017 at Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC) in Thailand.

Exhibitors showcased Machines for Mold & Die, Mold Material & Components, Machine Tool Accessory, Tools & Tooling, Precision Measuring Optical, Mold Repair & Maintenance, Mold Design & Engineering, and more. 

SolidCAM demonstrated the patented & revolutionary milling technology – <link internal-link internal link in current>iMachining, at InterMold Thailand 2017.

Throughout the exhibition, SolidCAM held live cuttings with <link internal-link internal link in current>iMachining 2D and <link internal-link internal link in current>iMachining 3D, on a HWACHEON VESTA-660 CNC machine, sponsored by their partner<link http: _blank external-link-new-window external link in new> Factory Max Co., Ltd, who also supplied the cutting tools, tool holder and fixture.

The part demonstrated was made of carbon steel JIS S50C. Visitors were amazed to see how the machining time for this part was reduced significantly from 40 minutes with standard milling to 8 minutes with iMachining!

The iMachining live cuttings also demonstrated how SolidCAM as an <link internal-link internal link in current>integrated solution, together with the cutting edge technology of iMachining, can deliver immense savings and significant improvement to the machining industry.

Throughout the 4 days of the exhibition there were 79,904 attendants. SolidCAM team met with customers and interested participants, and shared with them their expertise and the latest machining technology.

Many of the participants benefited from the solution demonstrated by SolidCAM and confirmed that this was the best, never seen before kind of technology demonstration. They were very excited to learn of a solution that they have been eagerly waiting to see.

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