SolidCAM China and partner Tongtai held a successful iMachining Seminar

With iMachining, Tongtai customers have been able to save significantly on machining time and to improve the efficiency of the milling process.

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On 3 July, 2017 SolidCAM China and <link http: en _blank external-link-new-window external link in new>Tongtai joined to hold a seminar on the efficient and intelligent solution iMachining brings to the manufacturing industry.

Mr. Qiu, General Manager of Tongtai in China opened the seminar and reviewed the achievements made in the past years since SolidCAM and Tongtai partnered.

With iMachining, Tongtai customers have been able to save significantly on machining time and to improve the efficiency of the milling process.

After that, Mr. Zhang Zhaoan, the Technical Manager of SolidCAM China presented to the seminar participants, the <link internal-link internal link in current>complete solution SolidCAM offers with <link internal-link internal link in current>all its modules,  including:

<link internal-link internal link in current>HSS for high speed surface machining, <link internal-link internal link in current>HSM for 3D High speed machining, <link internal-link internal link in current>Indexial Multi-Axis Machining, <link internal-link internal link in current>Simultaneous 5x Milling, <link internal-link internal link in current>Turning, <link internal-link internal link in current>Mill-Turn, <link internal-link internal link in current>Solid Probe and of course the revolutionary technology of <link internal-link internal link in current>iMachining 2D + <link internal-link internal link in current>3D.

Mr. Zhang Zhaoan also demonstrated how SolidCAM + iMachining is a unique, CAM Solution that provides the best value. He also elaborated on iMachining and the <link internal-link internal link in current>patented Technology Wizard which provides the optimal feeds & speeds, eliminates the time-consuming trial and error to find the optimal machine settings and guarantees first-part success.

Following the explanation, the participants got to see iMachining and SolidCAM in action when Mr. Zhang Zhaoan demonstrated a live iMachining cut of a part.

Participants were very impressed to see how <link internal-link internal link in current>iMachining reduces the machinings time by 70% and more when compared to standard milling methods.

At the end of this successful seminar both customers and agents thanked Tongtai and SolidCAM for the well-organized seminar and the great CAM solution it presented.

Special thanks to Tongtai Group which supplied the venue, the machine and the tools.

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