SENAI Units Across Brazil Adopt SolidCAM

SolidCAM - the world's leading integrated CAM software - is now the software being used in SENAI schools across Brazil.

|  Partners

With this partnership between SENAI schools and SolidCAM Brasil, schools, students and industries will have access to the CAM technologies used by the most innovative industries in the world.

SENAI - the National Service for Industrial Learning - is one of the five largest professional education complexes in the world and the largest in Latin America. Its courses are used to train professionals for 28 areas of Brazilian industry, from professional initiation to technological undergraduate and graduate courses.

SENAI is also the largest professional trainer for the Brazilian industry. Its vision is to consolidate itself as the national leader in professional and technological education and to be recognized as an inducer of innovation and technology transfer for the Brazilian Industry, acting with an international standard of excellence.

"We have a great challenge ahead of us, which is to train professionals capable of transforming industries with technological innovation and using the most modern technologies in the world. I believe that from this partnership that is starting, we will be contributing and giving all our support to the reaction of the industry and the country's economy.", says Luan Saldanha, Commercial Director of 4i Engenharia, exclusive reseller of SolidCAM and SOLIDWORKS in the northeast region, responsible for the partnership.

"This partnership brings to SENAI the guarantee that we seek the technological updating of our schools, so that our students are trained in technologies demanded by the industry. In this way, the industry has a skilled workforce within its evolution of perspectives." - says Edilson Caldas, Industrial Development Analyst | SENAI - National Service for Industrial Learning.

Year after year, SolidCAM has brought several benefits to customers with its numerous application modules. These modules are used on machines ranging from 3-axis mills to the most sophisticated multi-turret, multi-spindle CNC machines. SolidCAM is also credited with the creation of the revolutionary iMachining technology that enables a reduction of up to 70% and more in the time it takes to machine a part.

In addition to several modules that guarantee the maximum performance of the machining center, the student will have access to the complete system to learn and simulate the operations.

"SolidCAM annually invests a lot in research and development at its location in Germany, with leading manufacturers such as HERMLE, DMG and Citizen, to bring its partners the highest performance in innovative machining technologies. This partnership with SENAI brings these technologies to the Brazilian Industry more quickly, providing increased performance and reduced costs." - Account Marcelo Ongaro, Operational Director of SolidCAM Brasil.

“SENAI has been a great partner since the beginning of Tecc, which is responsible for the operation of SolidCAM in Brazil. This new national partnership will allow both teachers and students to have access to one of the most comprehensive CAM solutions in the world. We are confident that this partnership is fully aligned with the ideals of SENAI, which is precisely to allow the training of countless qualified professionals, with the best technologies, to meet the demand of the Brazilian market." - Camila Sarantopoulos from Tecc

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