SolidCAM Introduces Turbo HSR

SolidCAM 2020 delivers many new features and operations, including the new Turbo HSR operation for the SolidCAM HSM/HSR module. Turbo HSR provides a new Roughing Tool Path engine with true 64-bit capability, among many other enhancements.

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SolidCAM 2020 delivers many new features and operations that enhance the CAM software platform more than ever before. In this latest release, SolidCAM’s HSM/HSR module introduces the new Turbo HSR operation

Turbo HSR provides a new Roughing Tool Path engine with true 64-bit capability, among many other enhancements including: 

  • Multicore support
    With a 64-bit calculation engine, Multicore Support increases the speed of calculation as the number of cores increase. Adding ‘Toolpath Caching’ provides even faster recalculation speeds. 

  • Multi-Surface Offset
    Turbo HSR Roughing allows you to define multiple surface offsets. An infinite number of groups can also be created with different surface offsets. This is very useful when machining tools and molds when flat parting surfaces are finished in the roughing stage.  

  • Strategies
    Different machining patterns are available in the new Turbo HSR operation including, ‘Hatch’, ‘Contour’ and ‘Rest Roughing’. 

  • Rest Rough 
    Rest Roughing in Turbo 3D HSR is based on either updated stock or the previous tool that was used. The user can specify the minimum stock thickness, and the tool path is generated above it. Arc fitting in rapid moves provides smooth transitions between passes. 

  • Local Stock Definition 
    In Turbo HSR, local stock can be defined for the operation. The stock definition includes the undercut stock definition. 

  • Fixed Collision Protection 
    Collision is checked against fixtures, using either the Faces or Curves definition. The Fixture definition can be done using Faces, Part Model or Fixture Definition in Machine Setup.   

  • Pre-Drilled Points 
    Pre-drilled holes can now be defined for tool entry. The depth of drilling is recognized and ramping beyond the drilling depth is started automatically. This new feature is very useful for Roughing with non-center cutting tools. 

  • Adaptive Feed Rate 
    The new Adaptive Feed Rate function allows for constant cutting conditions – very important for maximizing tool life during Roughing. 

  • Dynamic Holder Collision 
    Dynamic Holder Checking provides collision free tool paths when using short tools. 

  • Automatic Ramping 
    Automatic Ramping makes the decision of applying Ramp Type easier with a pre-defined fall back sequence in the event that a certain style of ramping is not possible. 

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