SolidCAM Sim5X Webinar Series

SolidCAM is presenting a series of Simultaneous 5-Axis webinars that will include presentations on the new features released in SolidCAM 2020, and showcase the power of Simultaneous 4- & 5-Axis features of SolidCAM.

|  Training Webinar

Beginning in February, SolidCAM is presenting a series of Simultaneous 5-Axis webinars for Partners & Resellers. These webinars will include presentations on the new features released in SolidCAM 2020, and will showcase the power of Simultaneous 4- & 5-Axis features in the following areas:

  • Generic 5-Axis Milling 
    Machine any part the way you like, and collision free, with utmost accuracy, surface quality and speed with our generic 5-Axis milling technology. Use the latest Circle End Mills (Barrel Tools) to machine a part 60% - 80% faster than conventional tools, then simulate the entire process using Machine Simulation for a realistic view of your cutting process. Use one of the numerous Tool Axis Control Strategies and Collision Control Strategies available to generate smooth & collision-free toolpaths. Finally, apply leads & links of your choice to make a smooth entry/exit into the part and out of it. 

  • SWARF Machining 
    SWARF (Side Wall Axial Relief Feed) machining (also called 'Flank Milling') is a Simultaneous 5-Axis milling process. It is used for machining fluid parts for turbo-engines or aeronautical parts, such as integral elements. The aim is to produce the target surface with only one cut, using the whole flute length of the tool.   

  • Multiblade Machining 
    Multiblade parts describe a part family. Typical part types are impellers (used for pumps) and bladed disks (or so called 'Blisks', that are used in air plane engines). These parts will be used to compress or transport a fluid or gas. They share different geometrical attributes and they are all constructed with the same elements. SolidCAM application-based toolpath generation creates optimal toolpaths for machining Multiblade parts to complete the Roughing, Blade Finishing & Hud Finishing of the geometries.  

  • Screw Machining 
    Screw machining generates a 4-axis rotary roughing toolpath on arbitrary meshes. In general, the toolpath calculation works similar to 3-axis mesh roughing. In fact, many of the existing parameters and features like stock, linking or pattern related parameters are the same. The difference is that the main slicing is done in cylindrical space, not a directional one. Any 4-axis part that needs to be roughed out and finished is a candidate for Screw Machining.  

  • Port Machining 
    The SolidCAM Port Machining module is used to create a roughing and finishing toolpath for port- or tube-type geometries. The aim is to reach the full area with a single toolpath, machining from the top and the bottom. The toolpath will be calculated on a triangle mesh. SolidCAM Port Machining is a completely automatic toolpath generation engine with very few inputs.  

  • MultiAxis Roughing 
    MultiAxis Roughing creates a toolpath that can be used to machine pocket-shaped geometries. This calculation base type uses arbitrary mesh geometries as input. The user specifies the floor, wall and ceiling surfaces, after which the system automatically creates the toolpath.   

  • 5-Axis Contouring 
    SolidCAM’s 5-Axis Contouring provides toolpath generation based on wire frame input drive curve. It works without any machining surfaces. This kind of toolpath is used for Edge Breaking or Engraving on parts.  

  • Convert HSM to Sim5X
    SolidCAM’s Autotilt will convert 3-Axis HSM toolpaths to Sim5X toolpaths with minimal user intervention. This module is very helpful for Tool & Mold Makers where the user could machine deep areas with a short tool by tilting the tool axis.  

  • MultiAxis Drilling 
    SolidCAM’s MultiAxis Drilling generates detection of holes in different orientations of the given part and generates drilling cycles for the detected holes. The output can be pure 5-Axis Drilling or Drilling based on plane definition for a given hole.  

  • MultiAxis Constant StepOver 
    SolidCAM’s MultiAxis Constant StepOver provides the next evolution in the field of pattern generation. It uses a global distance field without a fixed direction as a reference for the processor, which enables full flexibility for calculating various pattern types while maintaining consistent distances between cuts. Single or multiple guide curves can be used as input for the offset or morph pattern types. Even in an undercut situation (relative to a fixed direction), the algorithm outputs the same consistency of slices when generating the pattern. 

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