Successful EMO 2017 for SolidCAM and Distribution Partners

..."The EMO exhibition in Hannover, Germany, is the leading international trade fair for the manufacturing industry, with visitors from Germany and around the world…strong customer interest should lead to excellent follow-up business"...

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Schramberg, 23rd September 2017: Six very busy trade fair days lie behind the teams of <link https: _blank external link in new>SolidCAM GmbH and their distribution partners <link http: _blank external link in new>DPS<link https: _blank external link in new>Solidpro and <link http: home.html _blank external link in new>Unicam, during the international trade show EMO 2017 in Hannover, Germany on September 18-23.

Numerous prospects and customers regularly surrounded the six demonstration places at SolidCAM booth A11 in Hall 25.

In addition to the unique, patented iMachining technology for high-efficiency machining, the demonstrators showed the latest versions of SolidCAM 2017 and InventorCAM 2017, with their multitude of new features in all CAM modules - both with seamless integration into <link internal link in current>SOLIDWORKS and <link internal link in current>Autodesk Inventor.

As an EMO highlight, SolidCAM presented it’s significantly expanded <link internal link in current>advanced Mill-Turn module for the fast and easy programming and synchronization of complex multi-turret and multi-spindle CNC machines.

With new, improved features, SolidCAM 2017 now supports the user-friendly CAM programming of multi-channel CNC Mill-Turn machines, in addition to complex multi-kinematics milling centers.

Numerous trade show visitors took the opportunity to experience SolidCAM's highly efficient turning and milling strategies in LIVE demonstrations on a GROB G550T 5-axis universal machining center on the SolidCAM booth. Aluminum rims, which were especially designed for EMO, were milled in front of an intrigued audience.

SolidCAM has always been passionate about CAD/CAM education and training. As a sponsoring member of the Staatliches Feintechnikschule Villingen-Schwenningen (FTS), SolidCAM was once again involved with an info point at the special exhibition of the VDW foundation for youth in Hall 24, booth A01.

Two students of the FTS, together with their teacher, Jürgen Kubas, formed the exhibition team and presented the CAD/CAM training of their school based on integrated SolidCAM in SolidWorks.

Dirk Klinge, Sales Manager of SolidCAM GmbH, draws a very satisfied conclusion: "EMO 2017 has completely met our expectations. As THE leading international trade fair for the manufacturing industry, with experienced trade show visitors from Germany and around the world. Strong customer response and exciting, new inquiries, will lead to concrete results and excellent follow-up business. The EMO has been and remains a must event for SolidCAM."

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