Cutting part with iMachining 3D saves cycle time and extends tool life dramatically!

....33% saving in cycle time.. ISCAR Tool cut 12 Parts with iMachining 3D toolpath, instead of only 1 Part with Competitor CAM!

|  Machinery

From: Evgeny Lamez []
Sent: Sunday, July 28, 2013 11:35 PM
To: Emil Somekh; Zvika Friedman
Subject: Visit to a potential customer (Beth-El Industries) + cutting part with iMACHINING 3D

Hi Zvika,

Today I visited Beth-El Industries with Eli Kelmansky. <link http: _blank>

Beth-El Industries are recognized around the world as a leading Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear, (CBRN) protection and filtration system designer.

They have been using a competitor CAM for all their history.

They saw iMachining cutting at our booth at the Technology exhibition in June and were very excited by it.

They contacted us after the exhibition, and last week Zvika did a SolidCAM demo for them. They liked what they saw and asked us to install SolidCAM for an evaluation period, and also to cut a part with iMachining.

They had parts from the material AISI_H13 (38HRC)

They did cutting of the part with the competitor CAM and it took them 15 minutes.  But they had a major problem of breaking tools - after each part, they replaced a tool.

We used iMachining 3D programming and sent the GCODE to the machine. The Machine was HAAS VF4, with a tool diameter of 12 mm, 4 teeth, from ISCAR.

iMachining 3D machining time was 10 minutes, 33% saving compared to the time they had received with the competitor CAM.

However the amazing fact is that the tool machined 12 parts, and was still in good condition (as opposed to 1 part only with the competitor CAM).

We installed SolidCAM 2013 SP2 with iMachining for evaluation and started their training.

At this point they are satisfied, and we will continue there until finalizing the deal…..

Best Regards,
Evgeny Lamez,

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